
Monday, 13 February 2012

Myth: A Creation Myth

In the beginning there was nothing but the Council of Gods, this consisted of five gods, which were: Wodin, God of Water; Rodon, God of Earth; Firel, God of Fire; Sidon, God of Air; Hados, God of Death and Bibdon, God of Creation. The Gods were lonely and bored, so Bibdon and Firel created a colossal ball of fire named Sun. However, Rodon, Wodin and Sidon still felt lonely. Bibdon took pity on them and held a Meeting of the Gods. Eventually, they decided to make planets that surrounded the Sun. Once they had done so, they each took turns to name the planets. When it came to Rodon's turn he called his planet 'Earth' so his power would be able to be remembered. Bibdon quite liked this idea. He decided to put the God's elements [earth, fire, water and air] all on one planet. They took a vote and it turned out that everyone, except from Hados who voted for Firel's planet Mars, voted for Earth. So together Wodin, Rodon, Sidon and Bibdon put the elements on Earth.

But Bibdon still wanted more, thus he put inhabitants on Earth. He took a handful of clay and carved two figures and named them 'Man' and 'Woman' then he breathed immortality into them and placed them upon Earth. Bibdon, however, thought that Man and Woman would need food, so he made fruit and vegetables. Over the years, Man and Woman grew weak for they did not have any meat. Bibdon asked Hados to make animals that could die, and Bidon placed them upon Earth.

That was not the end. You see Hados was jealous that Mars didn't have any inhabitants, so during one night Hados stripped 'Man' and 'Woman' of their immortality and made them mortal. When Bibdon found this out he was furious. In an act of vengeance Bibdon killed Hados- his soul became the moon and his eyes split to form the stars.

And that was how The Universe was created.

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