
Monday, 13 February 2012

Fable: The Elephant and the Mouse

There once lived a colossal, clumsy elephant named Elephant and a miniscule, fluffy, white mouse-who everyone in the animal kingdom thought had the profiency to do nothing- named Mouse.

One radiant day Elephant was aimlessly plodding around a vast meadow of dried grass, when all of a sudden he felt a throbbing burst of pain injected in his foot. "Yeeeeeeeeooooooooooooowwwwwwww!" bellowed Elephant, "What a clumsy elephant I am getting a massive thorn pierced in my foot like so!" complained Elephant, peering down at his right foot. In an attempt to remove the blistering thorn, he swung his trunk around he's foot-only to have flipped on his back.

"E...e...excuse me," said a timid voice, Elephant glanced around him. Then Elephant felt a fluffy, little object scurring up his leg. Suddenly,  Mouse appeared upon Elephant's right foot
" I....I was w...wondering if I c..could pull that nasty th...thorn out of y..y..your f..foot?" queered Mouse,
"You? Not even Lion could pull this cursed thorn out of my foot! I don't see how you could..... fine, but if you don't you need to roll me to the doctor's......2 miles away!" boomed Elephant.
"O.K," said Mouse rather pleased with himself, "And if I win you need to tell all the animals about it." Suprisingly, within a few effortless tugs Mouse had pulled the thorn out of Elephant's foot.
"WOW!!"exclaimed Elephant, steadily getting back to his feet.
"Now, you keep your end of the deal." And sure enough Elephant did. Due to this everytime someone's foot got pierced by a thorn guess who they would call? As well as this, Elephant and Mouse came the best of friends.

Moral: Things are not always what people think they are.


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