
Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Fable: The Lion and the Fox

In the sunny Savannah lived Lion, the most terrifying and feared animal in all the kingdoms. Also, there lived the cunning, sly Fox, who was notorious for his trickery.

One day, Lion was prowling, sneakily, in the brown, dry grass stalking a lone deer. As the deer was nearing Lion, he made a legendary pounce and slit the unlucky deer's neck. When Lion was dragging his kill back to his dwelling, he stop to have a rest on a rock. While he was doing so, he spotting Fox cautiously treading towards him. Fox had the intention to steal Lion's brilliant catch, but now he had realized that Lion had already spotted him he knew that he had lost his main advantage... surprise. Now Fox had to think of another tactic, however, by the time Fox had reached Lion he had thought of secondary way to gain Lion's hunt.

"What do you what Fox?" asked Lion, "Apart from the obvious," he added peering down at the deer-which was now under his foot.
"Oh I was just wondering what a brilliant jump you did, when you caught your deer," replied Fox,
"It was nothing, really!" blushed Lion,
"Perhaps you could show me...your highness," pleaded Fox,
" Well......O.K. First what you got to do is build up some air, you do that by running," and what Lion said, he did. Lion started running at an immense pace. However, Fox was not in the slightest bit interested in Lion's actions, all he wanted was the delectable deer-which was now left unguarded. Fox took his chance and seized the deceased deer.

When Lion returned from his demonstration, he could not find Fox...nor his dinner. Infuriated by his deceitful loss, Lion shamefully plodded to his pride-starving.

Moral: Don't listen to someone who is suddenly flattering you.

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