- The Harry Potter series (J.K Rowling)
- Skulduggery Pleasant (Derek Landy)
- Eragon (Christopher Paolini)
- Millions (Frank Cotrell-Boyce)
- Holes (Louis Sachar)
- The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)]
- Dr Seusses' books
- George's Marvellous Medicine (Roald Dahl
- Around the world in 80 days (Jules Verne)
- 20,000 leagues under the sea (Jules Verne)
- The boy in the striped pyjamas (John Boyne)
My new website in which I write myths, fables and novels. As well as this, every month or so I shall write a list of books that I recommend to you.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Here are a list of books that I would recommend to you guys:
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Myth: How zebras got their stripes
"Excuse me Mr.Mouse, but could you make me a suit just like the one Monkey Jackson wears when he sings Smooth Animal?" Zebra asked, but Mouse was to busy looking at the bites on Zebra's smooth, black skin. "EXCUSE ME, BUT I THINK IT'S VERY RUDE FOR THE SHOP OWNER TO IGNORE THEIR CUSTOMER!" bellowed Zebra, suddenly Mouse snapped out of his trance,
"Yes, sorry. Um you wanted a limited edition, 1970's, hand sowed, cotton, white suit with a criss-cross stitching pattern?" asked Mouse,
"If that is the one Monkey Jackson wears when he sings Smooth Animal.....then yes!" replied Zebra. Then like wild fire Mouse started to produce the suit.
"I......I can't neath!" Zebra cried,
"You can't neath?" Mouse said, "Oh, you can't breath,"
"Bes!" replied Zebra. Mouse started scurrying about, looking for a pair of scissors.
"Curry pup" Zebra yelped. Finally, Mouse found the silver scissors and started cutting lines in the suit.
"Aaaaah! That's much better!" remarked Zebra, "But, I can't seem to get this blasted suit off!"
"Oh, well I guess you're going to have to stay like that forever!" Mouse said.
Zebra walked outside, head hung in shame, but who would be beside him other than Monkey Jackson!
"WOW! What are you?" Monkey Jackson shouted,
"I'm Zebra with black AND white stripes,~" Zebra sniffed,
"Hey, that gives me an idea. Yo Doris, note this down, 'make song named Black and White." Doris the Monkey just nodded,
"I never knew Zebras had black and white stripes!" I thought they were just black?" Monkey Jackson continued, " But I think you look better with black and white stripes,"
"Y...you do?" Zebra asked,
"Yes, indeed I do. In fact I now declare that all Zebras shall have black and white stripes!"
And that is how zebras got their stripes.
Fable: The Lion and the Fox
In the sunny Savannah lived Lion, the most terrifying and feared animal in all the kingdoms. Also, there lived the cunning, sly Fox, who was notorious for his trickery.
One day, Lion was prowling, sneakily, in the brown, dry grass stalking a lone deer. As the deer was nearing Lion, he made a legendary pounce and slit the unlucky deer's neck. When Lion was dragging his kill back to his dwelling, he stop to have a rest on a rock. While he was doing so, he spotting Fox cautiously treading towards him. Fox had the intention to steal Lion's brilliant catch, but now he had realized that Lion had already spotted him he knew that he had lost his main advantage... surprise. Now Fox had to think of another tactic, however, by the time Fox had reached Lion he had thought of secondary way to gain Lion's hunt.
"What do you what Fox?" asked Lion, "Apart from the obvious," he added peering down at the deer-which was now under his foot.
"Oh I was just wondering what a brilliant jump you did, when you caught your deer," replied Fox,
"It was nothing, really!" blushed Lion,
"Perhaps you could show me...your highness," pleaded Fox,
" Well......O.K. First what you got to do is build up some air, you do that by running," and what Lion said, he did. Lion started running at an immense pace. However, Fox was not in the slightest bit interested in Lion's actions, all he wanted was the delectable deer-which was now left unguarded. Fox took his chance and seized the deceased deer.
When Lion returned from his demonstration, he could not find Fox...nor his dinner. Infuriated by his deceitful loss, Lion shamefully plodded to his pride-starving.
Moral: Don't listen to someone who is suddenly flattering you.
Monday, 13 February 2012
Myth: A Creation Myth
In the beginning there was nothing but the Council of Gods, this consisted of five gods, which were: Wodin, God of Water; Rodon, God of Earth; Firel, God of Fire; Sidon, God of Air; Hados, God of Death and Bibdon, God of Creation. The Gods were lonely and bored, so Bibdon and Firel created a colossal ball of fire named Sun. However, Rodon, Wodin and Sidon still felt lonely. Bibdon took pity on them and held a Meeting of the Gods. Eventually, they decided to make planets that surrounded the Sun. Once they had done so, they each took turns to name the planets. When it came to Rodon's turn he called his planet 'Earth' so his power would be able to be remembered. Bibdon quite liked this idea. He decided to put the God's elements [earth, fire, water and air] all on one planet. They took a vote and it turned out that everyone, except from Hados who voted for Firel's planet Mars, voted for Earth. So together Wodin, Rodon, Sidon and Bibdon put the elements on Earth.
But Bibdon still wanted more, thus he put inhabitants on Earth. He took a handful of clay and carved two figures and named them 'Man' and 'Woman' then he breathed immortality into them and placed them upon Earth. Bibdon, however, thought that Man and Woman would need food, so he made fruit and vegetables. Over the years, Man and Woman grew weak for they did not have any meat. Bibdon asked Hados to make animals that could die, and Bidon placed them upon Earth.
That was not the end. You see Hados was jealous that Mars didn't have any inhabitants, so during one night Hados stripped 'Man' and 'Woman' of their immortality and made them mortal. When Bibdon found this out he was furious. In an act of vengeance Bibdon killed Hados- his soul became the moon and his eyes split to form the stars.
And that was how The Universe was created.
In the beginning there was nothing but the Council of Gods, this consisted of five gods, which were: Wodin, God of Water; Rodon, God of Earth; Firel, God of Fire; Sidon, God of Air; Hados, God of Death and Bibdon, God of Creation. The Gods were lonely and bored, so Bibdon and Firel created a colossal ball of fire named Sun. However, Rodon, Wodin and Sidon still felt lonely. Bibdon took pity on them and held a Meeting of the Gods. Eventually, they decided to make planets that surrounded the Sun. Once they had done so, they each took turns to name the planets. When it came to Rodon's turn he called his planet 'Earth' so his power would be able to be remembered. Bibdon quite liked this idea. He decided to put the God's elements [earth, fire, water and air] all on one planet. They took a vote and it turned out that everyone, except from Hados who voted for Firel's planet Mars, voted for Earth. So together Wodin, Rodon, Sidon and Bibdon put the elements on Earth.
But Bibdon still wanted more, thus he put inhabitants on Earth. He took a handful of clay and carved two figures and named them 'Man' and 'Woman' then he breathed immortality into them and placed them upon Earth. Bibdon, however, thought that Man and Woman would need food, so he made fruit and vegetables. Over the years, Man and Woman grew weak for they did not have any meat. Bibdon asked Hados to make animals that could die, and Bidon placed them upon Earth.
That was not the end. You see Hados was jealous that Mars didn't have any inhabitants, so during one night Hados stripped 'Man' and 'Woman' of their immortality and made them mortal. When Bibdon found this out he was furious. In an act of vengeance Bibdon killed Hados- his soul became the moon and his eyes split to form the stars.
And that was how The Universe was created.
Fable: The Elephant and the Mouse
There once lived a colossal, clumsy elephant named Elephant and a miniscule, fluffy, white mouse-who everyone in the animal kingdom thought had the profiency to do nothing- named Mouse.
One radiant day Elephant was aimlessly plodding around a vast meadow of dried grass, when all of a sudden he felt a throbbing burst of pain injected in his foot. "Yeeeeeeeeooooooooooooowwwwwwww!" bellowed Elephant, "What a clumsy elephant I am getting a massive thorn pierced in my foot like so!" complained Elephant, peering down at his right foot. In an attempt to remove the blistering thorn, he swung his trunk around he's foot-only to have flipped on his back.
"E...e...excuse me," said a timid voice, Elephant glanced around him. Then Elephant felt a fluffy, little object scurring up his leg. Suddenly, Mouse appeared upon Elephant's right foot
" I....I was w...wondering if I c..could pull that nasty th...thorn out of y..y..your f..foot?" queered Mouse,
"You? Not even Lion could pull this cursed thorn out of my foot! I don't see how you could..... fine, but if you don't you need to roll me to the doctor's......2 miles away!" boomed Elephant.
"O.K," said Mouse rather pleased with himself, "And if I win you need to tell all the animals about it." Suprisingly, within a few effortless tugs Mouse had pulled the thorn out of Elephant's foot.
"WOW!!"exclaimed Elephant, steadily getting back to his feet.
"Now, you keep your end of the deal." And sure enough Elephant did. Due to this everytime someone's foot got pierced by a thorn guess who they would call? As well as this, Elephant and Mouse came the best of friends.
Moral: Things are not always what people think they are.
There once lived a colossal, clumsy elephant named Elephant and a miniscule, fluffy, white mouse-who everyone in the animal kingdom thought had the profiency to do nothing- named Mouse.
One radiant day Elephant was aimlessly plodding around a vast meadow of dried grass, when all of a sudden he felt a throbbing burst of pain injected in his foot. "Yeeeeeeeeooooooooooooowwwwwwww!" bellowed Elephant, "What a clumsy elephant I am getting a massive thorn pierced in my foot like so!" complained Elephant, peering down at his right foot. In an attempt to remove the blistering thorn, he swung his trunk around he's foot-only to have flipped on his back.
"E...e...excuse me," said a timid voice, Elephant glanced around him. Then Elephant felt a fluffy, little object scurring up his leg. Suddenly, Mouse appeared upon Elephant's right foot
" I....I was w...wondering if I c..could pull that nasty th...thorn out of y..y..your f..foot?" queered Mouse,
"You? Not even Lion could pull this cursed thorn out of my foot! I don't see how you could..... fine, but if you don't you need to roll me to the doctor's......2 miles away!" boomed Elephant.
"O.K," said Mouse rather pleased with himself, "And if I win you need to tell all the animals about it." Suprisingly, within a few effortless tugs Mouse had pulled the thorn out of Elephant's foot.
"WOW!!"exclaimed Elephant, steadily getting back to his feet.
"Now, you keep your end of the deal." And sure enough Elephant did. Due to this everytime someone's foot got pierced by a thorn guess who they would call? As well as this, Elephant and Mouse came the best of friends.
Moral: Things are not always what people think they are.
Main Story Genre: Crime
Dreyfed Prison was a most unpleasant penitentiary for one to be locked up in and can be found in the South of Devon on Coltswatt Road. Consequently, only the world's most notorious and execrable criminals would be able to have been located in this abhorrent bastille. In appearance, Dreyfed has four prolonged towers, each with a cone-shaped roof, a blinding spotlight-obviously to track down an escaping prisoner- and four stern guards. There is one main block [measuring 127m by 68m] with no windows whatsoever. It has a grand amount of cells, precisely 1371, each one being heavily patrolled by eight senitals -in total 10,968 senitals. However, there was one exception to this, cell 51 was guarded by 18 senitaries and had a 15 inch, steel door [only accessible by a fingerprint of the warden.] This solitary cell contained John Marker, the most perilous crook alive. John had assaisinated two Prime Ministers, a President and massacred 213 citizens in a bomb blast. Due to this, he was sentenced in prison for life.
It was the 31st of Dcember 2011 and the whole of Devon was getting ready for the big night ahead. A black Ford transit was casually driving down Kolop Avenue and was about to turn into Coltswatt Road. Inside were three men: Dexter Steth; George Barrow and Sameul Blau together they made a group called "The Revengers" who were canniving a devious plan to liberate their malevolent leader...John Marker.
Dexter was the assaisin of the group. He had short, black, curly hair, sea-blue eyes, thick lips, a grotesque scar running down the length of his face and was rather stout. Habitually, during his missions, Dexter wore a black wet suit [for reasons unkown] and a ninja mask, the type that only leaves one's eyes visible. George was the technician. In appearance, he was 6ft tall, had hazel coloured eyes and wore stylish, silver specticales. Sameul was the weaponist of the group. He was a medium sized person and was quite mediocric, but he was actually a short tempered, shouting nuisance.
" O.K, let's just go over the plan one more time. We drive up to the prison's gates [disguised as representives of a security company.] After checking our I.D the guard will let us in. Once there, we park the van and enter the prison with our suitcases full of weaponry. We make our way to the Warden's office, pretending we're going to show him our 'product' held within our suitcases which will actually hold a couple of guns, and George will kill him with a silencer and chop off his thumb for the finger scanner. Then we head towards cell 51 and obliverate the guards with the AKs in the suitcase. Once that's been done it will only take a few minutes for the alarm to sound." explained Dexter, pausing to take a breath, " We take the thumb and press it against the scanner, the door will then open to reveal John, we escape out of the prison with him, get in the van drive off and celebrate New Year's Eve with a few robberies."
It was exactly 11:47pm, and the Revenger's van pulled up at the prison gate. Inside was a bulky, middle aged man, "Can I see your I.D?" he asked, inquistivly peering at George who was wearing a blue cap and a fake moustache. " 'Ere ya go," replied George in a Western accent,
" Oh, so you're one of them security companys 'ey?"
"Yes, here at Sure Lock Security we take our pride in protecting prisons," added Dexter,
" Alright then, go ahead."
The Revengers pulled the van up next to Dreyfed's gates and asked for permission to enter the prison. Once it was granted they entered...carrying their lethal suitcases. They followed the multiple signs, showing them the way to the Warden's office. Sameul put his short, hairy hand upon the office's cold, brass handles and entered.
"Hello Warden, today we are going to show you a...unique demonstration of our new product," said Sameul pulling out the silencer from the suitcase.
"What are you doing?" asked the Warden, curiously looking at Sameul who was fiddiling with something inside the suitcase,
" Oh , nothing!" replied Sam who pulled out the silencer and before he could react shot the Warden in the head. He collapsed to the floor dead. Sam signalled for Dexter to hand him the knife of which he used to cut the Warden's thumb.
Hastily, the Revengers made for cell 51. As they neared the solitary cell, they each took out two AK-47s from their cases. Now at a casual walking pace, George was headed towrds the cell. Confronted by 18 guards-each instantly recognising who he was- George pulled out the AK-47s and in a wild frenzie of bullets flying in the air, George had succeded in killing 15 guards but was unfortunately shot in the heart. However, in George's last dying moments he had wounded the last three guards, so they couldn't sound the alarm. Outraged by their friend's sudden death, Sam and Dexter brutly murdered the remaining three guards, took out the Warden's thumb and pressed it against the scanner. The 15 inch, steel door revealing a smug looking individual.
Sam, Dexter and John hurridly sprinted out of the horrendous bastille and made there hasty way into their van.
The Curious Adventures Of Michael Seano
Chapter One: The Breakout Dreyfed Prison was a most unpleasant penitentiary for one to be locked up in and can be found in the South of Devon on Coltswatt Road. Consequently, only the world's most notorious and execrable criminals would be able to have been located in this abhorrent bastille. In appearance, Dreyfed has four prolonged towers, each with a cone-shaped roof, a blinding spotlight-obviously to track down an escaping prisoner- and four stern guards. There is one main block [measuring 127m by 68m] with no windows whatsoever. It has a grand amount of cells, precisely 1371, each one being heavily patrolled by eight senitals -in total 10,968 senitals. However, there was one exception to this, cell 51 was guarded by 18 senitaries and had a 15 inch, steel door [only accessible by a fingerprint of the warden.] This solitary cell contained John Marker, the most perilous crook alive. John had assaisinated two Prime Ministers, a President and massacred 213 citizens in a bomb blast. Due to this, he was sentenced in prison for life.
It was the 31st of Dcember 2011 and the whole of Devon was getting ready for the big night ahead. A black Ford transit was casually driving down Kolop Avenue and was about to turn into Coltswatt Road. Inside were three men: Dexter Steth; George Barrow and Sameul Blau together they made a group called "The Revengers" who were canniving a devious plan to liberate their malevolent leader...John Marker.
Dexter was the assaisin of the group. He had short, black, curly hair, sea-blue eyes, thick lips, a grotesque scar running down the length of his face and was rather stout. Habitually, during his missions, Dexter wore a black wet suit [for reasons unkown] and a ninja mask, the type that only leaves one's eyes visible. George was the technician. In appearance, he was 6ft tall, had hazel coloured eyes and wore stylish, silver specticales. Sameul was the weaponist of the group. He was a medium sized person and was quite mediocric, but he was actually a short tempered, shouting nuisance.
" O.K, let's just go over the plan one more time. We drive up to the prison's gates [disguised as representives of a security company.] After checking our I.D the guard will let us in. Once there, we park the van and enter the prison with our suitcases full of weaponry. We make our way to the Warden's office, pretending we're going to show him our 'product' held within our suitcases which will actually hold a couple of guns, and George will kill him with a silencer and chop off his thumb for the finger scanner. Then we head towards cell 51 and obliverate the guards with the AKs in the suitcase. Once that's been done it will only take a few minutes for the alarm to sound." explained Dexter, pausing to take a breath, " We take the thumb and press it against the scanner, the door will then open to reveal John, we escape out of the prison with him, get in the van drive off and celebrate New Year's Eve with a few robberies."
It was exactly 11:47pm, and the Revenger's van pulled up at the prison gate. Inside was a bulky, middle aged man, "Can I see your I.D?" he asked, inquistivly peering at George who was wearing a blue cap and a fake moustache. " 'Ere ya go," replied George in a Western accent,
" Oh, so you're one of them security companys 'ey?"
"Yes, here at Sure Lock Security we take our pride in protecting prisons," added Dexter,
" Alright then, go ahead."
The Revengers pulled the van up next to Dreyfed's gates and asked for permission to enter the prison. Once it was granted they entered...carrying their lethal suitcases. They followed the multiple signs, showing them the way to the Warden's office. Sameul put his short, hairy hand upon the office's cold, brass handles and entered.
"Hello Warden, today we are going to show you a...unique demonstration of our new product," said Sameul pulling out the silencer from the suitcase.
"What are you doing?" asked the Warden, curiously looking at Sameul who was fiddiling with something inside the suitcase,
" Oh , nothing!" replied Sam who pulled out the silencer and before he could react shot the Warden in the head. He collapsed to the floor dead. Sam signalled for Dexter to hand him the knife of which he used to cut the Warden's thumb.
Hastily, the Revengers made for cell 51. As they neared the solitary cell, they each took out two AK-47s from their cases. Now at a casual walking pace, George was headed towrds the cell. Confronted by 18 guards-each instantly recognising who he was- George pulled out the AK-47s and in a wild frenzie of bullets flying in the air, George had succeded in killing 15 guards but was unfortunately shot in the heart. However, in George's last dying moments he had wounded the last three guards, so they couldn't sound the alarm. Outraged by their friend's sudden death, Sam and Dexter brutly murdered the remaining three guards, took out the Warden's thumb and pressed it against the scanner. The 15 inch, steel door revealing a smug looking individual.
Sam, Dexter and John hurridly sprinted out of the horrendous bastille and made there hasty way into their van.
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